Friday, December 22, 2006

Geometry 7.3 Rotations - guided notes

Geometry Unit 5, sec 7.3

Rotations - guided notes

I) Rotations - sec. 7.3

A. Definition: A rotation is a transformation in which a figure is turned about a fixed point.
This point is called the center of rotation.

1. Rotation 90 degrees (counterclockwise): (x,y) maps to (-y,x).

Example: (4 , 1) becomes (-1 , 4)

2. Rotation 180 degrees (counterclockwise): (x,y) maps to (-x,-y).

Example:(4 , 1) becomes (-4 , -1)

3. Rotation 270 degrees (counterclockwise) or -90 degrees (clockwise): (x,y) maps to (y,-x).

Example: (4 , 1) becomes (1 , -4)

B. Rotational symmetry: a figure has rotational symmetry if the figure can be mapped onto itself by a rotation of 180 degrees or less.

Example: A circle, Square, Rhombus, Equilateral Triangle, and more. Any regular polygon with center angle 180 degrees or less.

An example of a figure without rotational symmetry: trapezoid